Thursday, June 9, 2011

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  • EB3Victim
    07-18 12:10 PM

    I'm also in the same situation. My labor is approved May 2007. I'll need to apply for both 140 and 485 together. Can I do it at the same time ?? or do I need to file my 140 immediately and then 485 after a few days. Time is running out now, as we never know when USCIS would again stop accepting 485s. Please advice.


    Look at the below URL for the update from USCIS.485 can be filed until August 17

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  • GCard_Dream
    03-20 08:46 PM
    So are you suggesting that everyone in EB3 ROW is unskilled professional?

    And I think you need some reading lessons .... read my post ... the comparison is between categories for eg EB2 for IN/CHina vs EB3 for ROW

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  • DallasBlue
    09-07 06:42 PM
    Break the Shackles and Come to DC , this will be a historic rally.
    As pointed out $200 filight ticket is 2% of your GC/H1 amount

    Lets get our greencards!!
    Lets make it happen !!

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  • ilikekilo
    05-30 12:26 PM
    Lets not get into Apples Vs Oranges debates here. Its ridiculous to stereotype the whole race just coz......bottomline, no one is superior to anyone else, regardless.

    If the claim that AF did accomodate 'other' passengers with T visas and not for Indians, that is really so wrong. That we definitely should condemn.



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  • sam_hoosier
    06-10 03:17 PM
    Looks like I will need to wait one more year :(

    Congrats to folks with PD before Oct 2005. Hopefully you should be getting your GCs soon.

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  • elliptic
    05-11 11:06 PM
    H1-visa holders with H4-spouses and children are not the only victims
    of the SSN requirement:

    (And serveral other newspaper. It is an AP story)

    Unfortunately, the article doesn't mention the problem with the SSA.


    It seems this was discussed already in other threads.


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  • risker
    07-20 05:40 PM
    I am with you buddy, but u have to understand
    1. AILF will not file such case as they dont have big numbers of people supporting it as plaintiff
    2. Your reasons are justified but you forgot one thing: US govt agencies (whether it is USCIS, DOS or DOL) treat immigrants as with the principle "beggars are not choosers", so per them you as an individual and your feelings doesnt matter much
    3. Try to think positively, even though everyone will file 485 now but come Oct and if your labor is approved by that time you will be much ahead of everyone and you will not loose your place in the line. I am sure u will get GC approval before most of the July filers

    Stay positive, stay calm. May God bless you!!

    Again, sorry to say, but you are looking for excuses. I am looking for reasons. I know there are enough people out there to support this case. It is a simple matter of people spreading the word and jumping into the bandwagon.

    I don't care whether they consider us as beggers or kings or whatever. It doesn't matter to me. It is a justified case and we have to put up a fight.

    So please don't give excuses. That is not what I am looking for here. We might have a 1000 excuses for not filing a case, but only one reason to file it. We want justice. This can't go unheard or unnoticed.

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  • pansworld
    12-10 03:09 PM
    before it gets out of hand!!!!


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  • h4hopeful
    04-06 04:37 PM
    I found a link in this website to the Talent Bill (I am new, sorry I didn't paste it before). This is the bill which will let us work, is anyone lobbying for it to be considered?

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  • waitnwatch
    05-31 03:40 PM
    Where does it say that?REad the page properly..this is still up for consideration..So lets be positive..
    102. S.AMDT.1249 to S.1348 Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration. See Congressional Record for text.
    Sponsor: Sen Cantwell, Maria [WA] (introduced 5/24/2007) Cosponsors (3)
    Latest Major Action: 5/24/2007 Senate amendment submitted[1-108](Amendments_For_S.1348)&./temp/~bd2M4C

    Here is the link to page 6918 of the congressional record for what happened on May 24. Look at SA 1249 and it shows that the amendment has been "ordered to lie on the table". Also page 6918 and 6919 has the details of the amendment.

    The link to page 6918 and 6919 are -


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  • nonimmi
    03-13 04:25 PM
    I agree 2001 and 2002 was really bad job market and not many new labor filed. But things started getting better end of 2002/2003. And I know many of my friends filed EB3. Later some of them got substitute labor and got their GC in 2004/2005. So not really sure if it may go forward that faster 2003...2004...I wish it does.

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  • Macaca
    09-16 10:11 AM
    Your vision will become clear
    only when you can
    look into your own heart
    Who looks outside, dreams;
    who looks inside, awakes
    Carl Jung


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  • gsc999
    09-20 04:15 PM
    IVers thanks for all the good ideas. Keep them coming.

    At this point I would point to what Logiclife and Pappu mentioned
    earlier, we will post the next action items in a couple of days.

    The rally is one of several item in our tactical arsenal. We ought to be mindful how we utilize it to further our long term strategic goals.


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  • Dhundhun
    09-15 08:20 PM
    Hey guys

    Just received email from CRIS regarding I-485 denial notice for both me and my wife.

    I used AC21 after 9 months of filing I-485. My I-140 was approved before even filing I-485 in July fiasco.

    My attorney promptly sent AC-21 and G-28 and i did see LUD on my and my wife's I-485 after that.

    My previous company informed me sometime ago that they are going to revoke I-140 and probably they did and i am assuming that's what triggered this.

    This is certainly a big damm mistake they did even after sending AC-21 docs and G-28.

    I think they misplaced AC-21 application and also they missed NOID step. This is basically two mishaps. Looks like every thing is messed up.

    Motion-to-reopen is right step as after denial, beacse case is deemed to be closed after AOS denial.

    I am not sure, how much info-pass can help.

    Good luck.


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  • gsc999
    11-08 02:33 PM
    :D Where have we heard this before.

    To any member who has been looking at some of the posts since April/May of this year it will be apparant that there has been an attempt by the ultra conservative, anti-immigration groups to create a divide among legal and so called illegal immigration issues. It was good to see that most members perceived this and stayed away from singing the legal vs illegal immigration tune.

    Now comes the lame attempt to play on your fears again. What would happen to you if all these so called "illegals" were to get in line ahead of you? The knee-jerk reaction is so obvious. If you see deeper, you will find that all this is but wenting of frustration by the anti-immigration groups on their major loss in the recent elections.

    There is a precedent for this behaviour. After the CIR was passed in Senate in May earlier this year, these same anti-immigration group members posted so many inflamatory posts that created a bad vibe on this forum. Well today is a redo of that. Just count the number of posts and you will know what I mean. ;) I urge all members to look at the new ray of hope provided by the change in the new congress and ignore attempts to dampen your enthusiasm in garb of fair and balanced aka an anti-immigration spin :)

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  • Macaca
    09-15 05:19 PM
    The mind is like the stomach.
    It is not
    how much you put into it
    that counts, but
    how much it digests
    Albert Jay Nock


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  • meridiani.planum
    09-13 12:52 AM
    Obama is no panacea either. Why do you think someone with little experience is a liability to be second in command, but the same lack of experience is admirable quality for the first in command.

    Also, Obama has been changing his positions on issues to pander to the voters, I doubt he will be any different from Bush either. The only change you are going to see is in himself -- not the way things are done. He will probably pay more of the tax monies to people who gambled with their houses (and are still not being punished for it).

    Obama's lack of experience does not bother me as much as Palins because you have to see what people have done in whatever experience they have had. Obama did community service, has had a strong moral fiber in whatever he has said. Palin has already abused whatever little power she had. Being a senator Obama has atleast been exposed to world-wide issues. I bet Palin cant even locate Georgia on the map. Did you see her recent interview? In spite of it being carefully staged, see her stumble aimlessly when it comes to the question of the Bush Doctrine... The biggest foreign policy change this country made (decision to make pre-emptive attacks) and Palin does not have an opinion on it because she does not even know what it is. The interviewer had to tell her what teh Bush Doctrine is all about. Are'nt you scared of a person like that leading the US? Why does this country always pick screwed up vice presidents (Dick Cheney's approval ratings have been <30% for as long as I can recall)

    Either way, from an immigration point of view (focus of this forum) we are screwed (see my previous post for stances of both presidential candidates)

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  • pappu
    11-14 08:37 PM
    If you have not yet understood the importance of IV, now is the time to ACT.

    About IV:

    IV's achievements summarized by Macaca

    Start participating in your local state chapters. If there is no state chapter, please start one. Please see my weblog for guidance:

    Still not convinced that IV has the leadership, look at this picture of Jay in front of the capitol during the IV DC Rally:

    Want to see some DC rally pictures:

    IV has its own blog:

    Look around. An IV meet up may be happening in your neighborhood/city.

    While most of you were tracking your receipts, FP notices, EADs and APs, IV was working relentlessly to achieve its sole motive: "ERADICATE RETROGRESSION"
    The irony of the current state of affairs that it is a long struggle to achieve the motive. We need your support at the grass roots level. "Are you upto it?". As Gatorade says, "IS IT IN YOU?"

    "The Time is always right to do the right thing" -MLK,Jr.

    I have an EAD, what can go wrong now?
    Well, continue to pay $1K per person for EAD/AP every year until you get your GC. You will never have peace of mind that comes with a Permanent Work Permit aka GC.

    How do I contact IV?
    Contact any of the IV active members and they will direct you. A simple PM is all that you need. Some of the members you can contact are pappu, logiclife, paskal, chandu123, janilsal,needhelp,english_august, franklin.

    Telephone: (202) 386-6250
    EMail: info AT

    Thanks for putting it together.

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  • m306m
    04-29 10:42 AM
    IV Seniors,

    What is the count so far? Are we at 10K yet?

    03-20 05:08 PM
    Dude, don't judge everybody with the same yard stick.

    Gotcher has been very helpful for a lot us who are looking for anwers. You may not agree with his analysis for personal reasons, just keep it that way.

    Don't try to just come up with stories.

    Even if he gets some publicity so what? Atleast he is earning it by helping a lot of people.

    i dont think its a controversy. mr. Gotcher does not agree with the interpretation. Maybe its a way to generate some additional revenues for his firm by increased traffic to the blog and potentially a class action lawsuit on behalf of the ROW people.

    07-19 09:42 AM
    I have an EB3 app from Oct 02. One more PERM filed 2 months back. My wife has an approved EB3 140 waiting to file 485.

    We have canadian PR cards. We have decided to move to Canada in Oct. We may come back here once numbers are available to file for 485 or im thinking of becoming a canadian citizen. who knows t'row some bright guy in Congress may create a rule saying Canadian citizens are exempt from visa numbers :)

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