Friday, July 1, 2011

Selena Gomez 2010 Wallpaper

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  • cladden
    02-23 03:40 PM
    I have been in the US for a couple of years working on an E-1 Visa. I am now filing my I-765 because my Visa is tied to me working for a particular company and is not transferable. I have a social security card.

    I am now not sure if I should fill this out as if I am applying for a or b:

    A) Permission to accept employment
    B) Replacement (of lost employment authorization document)
    C) Renewal of my permission to accept employment (attach previous employment authorization document). Form I-76

    If it is C, should I attach a copy of my E-1 Visa and my Social Security card or something else?

    Also, for question 11 (Have you ever before applied for employment authorization from USCIS)? I don't think I have. I think my E-1 Visa came with this right and that I only dealt with the social security office.

    Please help if you know the answer


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  • sujit_help
    02-01 01:16 PM
    My PERM was filed in Dec, 2006 and was denied on April, 2007. As per my employer's lawyer it was erroneously denied by DOL. The lawer has received the denial letter but no reason was stated. He was keep on follwing up with DOL but no answers. On Aug 2007, lawyer was followed up again directly with the DOL office in Atlanta , with the liaison at the American Immigration Lawyer's Association and also it was sent to the congressional office. Through Senetor we came to know that there was typo in the date field. The lawer is persuing to get the denal letter again with reason so that we can appeal. But we have 10% chance to get the another deial letter. Now lawer is asking for filling a new PERM. In between I lost 8 months and now I'm running out time. My 6th year is expiring on Sept08. Just incase if we din't get denial letter and file the new PERM on Mrach can we get the 7th year extension ? (We will show all the documents etc for previos denail case and there was no reason in denail letter. PLEASE HELP

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  • salvador marley
    05-01 09:10 PM
    niceness :)

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  • valuablehurdle
    07-24 10:19 PM
    I am ready to support your move in any way possible. I live in PA. Let nme know how I should move forward.


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  • Lasantha
    01-29 11:29 AM
    Hi All,

    I found this link from Delta airlines which tells you in detail about the transit visa requirements when travelling via a 3rd country. Thought this might be helpful to those who are planning to travel. You fill in your nationality, country of residence, destination country and connecting country and it will give your transit visa requirements in detail.

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  • mymusic2k3
    06-22 01:23 PM
    I am about to file my I-485, EAD and AP in July. My company (ABC) acquired by investment company (XYZ) 2 months back and changed from public company to private company. My company (ABC) is still exists as an same entity and an independent company but name changed from ABC corporation to ABC LLC, my job description is same and still my pay stubs are from ABC corporation and Tax-id is also same. Do I need to file for I-140 and H1B amendments? If yes, when should I do it? While filing I-485 or after filing I-485 or before filing I-485? What is the impact on I-485 if amendment is not filed?


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  • GreenMe
    06-15 04:09 PM
    Hello All,

    I am starting my employment based GC process. My employer is going to file for my labour certificate (LC) thru PERM soon.

    However, I want to know what happens if you Labour Application is not approved by USCIS?

    like - Can you then apply for Labour thru another employer? or start ur Green Card process thru another employer.
    - Can you get H1 extension after 6 year period is complete?

    Kindly advice.


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  • alien02k
    07-11 09:59 AM
    First of all I am filing by postal mail USPS(not e-filing)

    1)is it necessary to include I-765 receipt notice(EAD) with my AP application.. But I have only my last years one which will expire in a few months.
    2) for AP renewal is it necessary to include marriage certificate for spouse
    3) When filing by postal mail, and also considering i applied my I-485/I-140 before july 30/2007, old fee schedule... do i need to pay biometric fee for my AP renewal
    4) I am in Texas and for mailing EAD and AP - can I send them together for me and my spouse. I see different PO Boxes for EAD and AP addresses for the Mesquite, TX address

    IN I-765, is it enough only to specify the previous EAD information regarding the office filed and receipt date...or do i have to include my OPT EAD as well as my previous EAD filed last year.

    Any clarification is highly appreciated
    Thank you


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  • ameryki
    12-24 06:53 PM

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  • Blog Feeds
    12-14 02:20 PM
    I heard a fascinating interview of Kati Marton by Bob Edwards this weekend and am going to buy her new book Enemies of the People. The Hungarian-born Ms. Marton is a former ABC News reporter and NPR international correspondent. Journalism is in her blood. Her parents were reporters in Hungary for UPI and the AP and they risked their lives trying to report the truth in that country in the years leading up to the 1956 revolution. She writes about her parents' arrests by the secret police and the experience of living her first eight years in Hungary in her...

    More... (


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  • Blog Feeds
    05-27 08:30 AM
    Antis point to polls showing more Americans support the Arizona bill than oppose it. But other polls - including new ones from ImmigrationWorks USA and Immigration Voice, show these same voters also support - by wide margins - comprehensive immigration reform proposals that contain legalization programs. Is this really a contradictory result? Maybe not. Americans want ACTION on immigration reform rather than maintaining the status quo. Action can mean an SB1070 or something on a broader scale - even if it is called "amnesty." Here are slides outlining the ImmigrationWorks poll. Keep an eye on polling of Republican voters who...

    More... (

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  • newtoearth
    05-11 08:14 AM
    Is it a joke?

    I am seeing this

    Category India Most Other Countries
    F1 8 November 2004 8 November 2004
    FX 1 December 2006 1 December 2006
    F2A 1 January 2008 1 January 2008
    F2B 15 November 2002 15 November 2002
    F3 22 June 2001 22 June 2001
    F4 1 September 2000 1 September 2000
    E1 Current Current
    E2 1 February 2005 Current
    E3 22 October 2001 22 June 2003
    EW 1 June 2001 1 June 2001
    E4 Current Current
    E4-Religious Current Current


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  • Blog Feeds
    04-17 08:30 AM
    Roll Call reports that Reid is also now talking about passing the bill in the lame duck session of Congress after the election.

    More... (

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  • Macaca
    05-05 07:15 AM
    Democrats' Momentum Is Stalling ( Amid Iraq Debate, Priorities On Domestic Agenda Languish By Jonathan Weisman and Lyndsey Layton ( Washington Post Staff Writers, Saturday, May 5, 2007

    In the heady opening weeks of the 110th Congress, the Democrats' domestic agenda appeared to be flying through the Capitol: Homeland security upgrades, a higher minimum wage and student loan interest rate cuts all passed with overwhelming bipartisan support.

    But now that initial progress has foundered as Washington policymakers have been consumed with the debate over the Iraq war. Not a single priority on the Democrats' agenda has been enacted, and some in the party are growing nervous that the "do nothing" tag they slapped on Republicans last year could come back to haunt them.

    "We cannot be a one-trick pony," said House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel (Ill.), who helped engineer his party's takeover of Congress as head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. "People voted for change, but Iraq, the economy and Washington, D.C., [corruption] all tied for first place. We need to do them all."

    The "Six for '06" policy agenda on which Democrats campaigned last year was supposed to consist of low-hanging fruit, plucked and put in the basket to allow Congress to move on to tougher targets. House Democrats took just 10 days to pass a minimum-wage increase, a bill to implement most of the homeland security recommendations of the Sept. 11 commission, a measure allowing federal funding for stem cell research, another to cut student-loan rates, a bill allowing the federal government to negotiate drug prices under Medicare, and a rollback of tax breaks for oil and gas companies to finance alternative-energy research.

    The Senate struck out on its own, with a broad overhaul of the rules on lobbying Congress.

    Not one of those bills has been signed into law. President Bush signed 16 measures into law through April, six more than were signed by this time in the previous Congress. But beyond a huge domestic spending bill that wrapped up work left undone by Republicans last year, the list of achievements is modest: a beefed-up board to oversee congressional pages in the wake of the Mark Foley scandal, and the renaming of six post offices, including one for Gerald R. Ford in Vail, Colo., as well as two courthouses, including one for Rush Limbaugh Sr. in Cape Girardeau, Mo.

    The minimum-wage bill got stalled in a fight with the Senate over tax breaks to go along with the wage increase. In frustration, Democratic leaders inserted a minimum-wage agreement into a bill to fund the Iraq war, only to see it vetoed.

    Similar homeland security bills were passed by the House and the Senate, only to languish as attention shifted to the Iraq debate. Last week, family members of those killed on Sept. 11, 2001, gathered in Washington to demand action.

    "We've waited five and a half years since 9/11," said Carie Lemack, whose mother died aboard one of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center in New York. "We waited three years since the 9/11 commission. We can't wait anymore."

    House and Senate staff members have begun meeting, with the goal of reporting out a final bill by Memorial Day, but they concede that the deadline is likely to slip, in part because members of the homeland security committees of both chambers, the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the two intelligence committees all want their say. The irony, Lemack said, is that such cumbersomeness is precisely why the Sept. 11 commission recommended the creation of powerful umbrella security committees with such broad jurisdiction that other panels could not muscle their way in. That was one recommendation Congress largely disregarded.

    The Medicare drug-negotiations bill died in the Senate, after Republicans refused to let it come up for debate. House Democrats are threatening to attach the bill to must-pass government funding bills.

    Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, has proposed his own student-loan legislation, but it is to be part of a huge higher-education bill that may not reach the committee until June.

    The House's relatively simple energy bill faces a similar fate. The Senate has in mind a much larger bill that would ease bringing alternative fuels to market, regulate oil and gas futures trading, raise vehicle and appliance efficiency standards, and reform federal royalty payments to finance new energy technologies.

    The voters seem to have noticed the stall. An ABC News-Washington Post poll last month found that 73 percent of Americans believe Congress has done "not too much" or "nothing at all." A memo from the Democratic polling firm Democracy Corps warned last month that the stalemate between Congress and Bush over the war spending bill has knocked down the favorable ratings of Congress and the Democrats by three percentage points and has taken a greater toll on the public's hope for a productive Congress.

    "The primary message coming out of the November election was that the American people are sick and tired of the fighting and the gridlock, and they want both the president and Congress to start governing the country," warned Leon E. Panetta, a chief of staff in Bill Clinton's White House. "It just seems to me the Democrats, if they fail for whatever reason to get a domestic agenda enacted . . . will pay a price."

    Republicans are already trying to extract that price. Sen. Jon Kyl (Ariz.), chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, said Democrats are just "trying to score political points on the war. . . . Part of their party can't conceive of anything else to talk about but the war."

    Norman J. Ornstein, a Congress watcher at the American Enterprise Institute, said a Congress's productivity is not measured solely on the number of bills signed into law. Bills and resolutions approved by either chamber totaled 165 during the first four months of this Congress, compared with 72 in 2005. And Congress recorded 415 roll-call votes, compared with 264 when Republicans were in charge and the House GOP leaders struggled to impose their agenda on a closely divided Senate.

    Democratic leaders remain hopeful that a burst of activity will put the doubts about them to rest. They have promised to pass a war funding bill and a minimum-wage increase that Bush can sign, to complete a budget blueprint and to finish the homeland security bill by Memorial Day. The House wants to pass defense and intelligence bills, its own lobbying measure and the first gun-control legislation since 1994, which would tighten the national instant-check system for gun purchases. The Senate hopes to complete a comprehensive overhaul of immigration laws.

    Rep. Chris Van Hollen (Md.), chairman of the House Democratic campaign committee, said his party needs to get some achievements under its belt, but not until voters begin to focus on the campaigns next year. "People understand the Democrats in Congress are doing everything in their power to move an agenda forward, doing everything possible to change direction in the war in Iraq, and the president is standing in the way," he said.

    Kyl was not so sanguine. If accomplishments are not in the books by this fall, he said, the Democrats will find their achievements eclipsed by the 2008 presidential race. Panetta agreed.

    "This leadership, these Democrats have shown that they can fight," he said. "Now they have to show they can govern."


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  • ameryki
    02-11 09:01 PM
    I have not used AP to enter so far but I do not believe AP is related to employment and questions related to that should not be asked when entering the country if one is using AP to enter. Just IMHO

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  • Krilnon
    07-30 03:00 AM
    Basically everyone has experienced at least one version of the Falling Snow tutorial� It just so happens that you can see the progress that ActionScript has made as a language� as well as the progress that Kirupa has made in making tutorials. :trout:

    I went with the 2.0-style snow because it translates best into shirt form. Enjoy!


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  • Head2GC
    02-05 02:49 PM

    My I-140 was approved in August 2009 and my PD is Jan-2004 (EB3). I want to know when i can apply for I-485, should i have to wait till my PD becomes Current or is there any other way by which i can file the I-485. Please shed some light on this topic and thanks for your time and effort.

    Thanks ! ! :confused: :rolleyes:

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  • cladden
    02-23 03:33 PM
    I have a copy of Nolo Fiance and marriage Visas and in the section on I130 it says that my copies of G-325A must be filed in four copies printed on differently colored paper (white, green, pink and blue).

    A) Is this really necessary?
    B) If yes, I have actually bought paper in these colors. Does it have to a particular pink, blue, green etc?
    C) The pages in the PDF are actually named
    1) Ident.
    2) Rec. Br
    3) C.
    4) Consulate

    Which color matches which index? E.g. is the Ident one supposed to be white, blue, pink or green?

    Hope someone knows about this.


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  • clockwork
    01-14 05:18 PM
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