Sunday, June 19, 2011

daewoo nexia

images Daewoo Nexia 2 (Дэу Нексия 2) daewoo nexia. view large. When Daewoo was
  • view large. When Daewoo was

  • eb3_nepa
    07-05 11:01 AM
    We need to have sticky & web fax on this issue

    NO NO NO NO NO!!!

    NO more of the webfax nonsense. We EACH need to take the time and effort and write a personalized letter and fax it to the right person.

    No more templatized crap. If you want something done, DO IT YOURSELF and take the time for it!!

    wallpaper view large. When Daewoo was daewoo nexia. Daewoo Nexia, Coupe, 1995
  • Daewoo Nexia, Coupe, 1995

  • akp22
    05-27 07:59 PM
    $100 today

    daewoo nexia. Moje Auto – Daewoo Nexia
  • Moje Auto – Daewoo Nexia

  • bharani
    09-10 09:48 AM
    I am in EB2 with a US Master's degree. My priority date is April 2006 and my case is not approved. Many of friends same boat as me are not approved.

    So "reddymjm" I don't think all US Master's degree in EB2 are approved.

    2011 Daewoo Nexia, Coupe, 1995 daewoo nexia. Daewoo Nexia 1.5: покупка и
  • Daewoo Nexia 1.5: покупка и

  • catopa
    03-04 09:44 AM
    Not sure if anyone else has faced this so wanted to put this out: I own a home and have a loan on it since 2003 (I was on H1 when i took the loan), now that the ARM is about to adjust i am in the market for refinance.

    There is however a question on all the loans underwritten by freddy/fanny asking for immigration status and if the answer is EAD the loan is denied. They even sent me an explanation of denial.....:confused:


    daewoo nexia. hot Фонари задние Daewoo Nexia
  • hot Фонари задние Daewoo Nexia

  • Mouns
    04-30 03:26 PM
    Due to 9/11?
    Do you understand the frustration among people who want to make this work and who want to defend the system?

    In other way, what good is there to follow the law while illegals have it easier?

    Great question!

    --- Answer

    yes we understand (sure...). Two kinds of backlogs:
    1) Processing backlogs, due to the surge and other issues. We try to provide services timely, we understand our responsibility (no info as to what is being done and how this will change in the future)

    2) Limitations due to law: (PDs). Demands is greater than the visa numbers (China, India, Mexico, Philipine: You are screwed here!) => 20 years or more of waiting.

    daewoo nexia. High Street Shops
  • High Street Shops

  • andy007
    07-17 11:59 PM
    Once they accept I-485 in the system then they give us a Receipt#, with that Receipt we can file for EAD / AP (as long as your PD becomes available) then they will process your I-485, Just thinking.. what do you say guys ... Please lete me know.. Receipt Date Vs Visa Number ...



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  • hairstyles Daewoo Nexia 1,5 GL

  • jasmin45
    09-08 02:17 PM
    The unbelievable growth in India made me explore a bit in terms of investments, ended up with the financial advise and recommendation from experts that we cannot directly invest in equity as an NRI. Only investment allowed it seems, for NRI is in real estate. Not sure whether this is true. There holds the surprise I could not add up the numbers in real-estate in India. Real estate in India is darn expensive even by international standards (with per capita GDP of $700->$2500 per annum).

    Flats in Indian hub cities: 2-bedroom, 1000 sq ft apartment for average $200,000-$300,000 and above. ( Condos in most major metros in USA: 2-bedroom, 1000 sq ft average $200,000-$300,000 (google housing)

    Given that, median income in US is 50 times more than India. I thought the Indian cities are up in bubble. Next, look at agricultural land prices.

    Agricultural land in Northern part of India is average $50000 - $250,000 per acre (www. where in east, west and south is about $20000-$200,000. In Villages its about $15000 to $50000 per acre.

    Agricultural land in US is in the range of $6000-$15000 per acre. ($12,000 per acre in NJ, $6,000 per acre in California and $8,000 per acre in Florida. From USDA website)

    Now You can do the math. Commercial land is even more expensive in india.

    The reason, people say, population density. Now lets look at this factor, the density in India is much higher than USA. But, compare to NJ, NJ is actually slightly more densely populated than most states in India. Real estate is regulated by government in India that prevents easy buying and selling and land survey records are not properly maintained which makes it easy to bump up the price.

    Can someone explain to me how in the world, the farmers in India who make less than $1000 per annum continue to own land that is valued at several $100K? How many can afford a home in that country?

    Is this what economic experts call "bubble"? I believe there needs to be a correction in the market in India to avoid a disaster.

    Good analysis. How long did you take to put this together this comparison?

    2010 Moje Auto – Daewoo Nexia daewoo nexia. Daewoo Nexia 2 (Дэу Нексия 2)
  • Daewoo Nexia 2 (Дэу Нексия 2)

  • Mouns
    04-30 03:37 PM
    And the situation prior to surge wasnt any better either. I remember in 2006, the PD for India EB3 was April 2001 and now its Nov 2001. :mad:

    This was directed to people who were current. If you are from India, China, Mexico, Philippines, get used to waiting. Your backlog is due to numerical limits. And this won't change (the way I see it)


    daewoo nexia. Daewoo - Nexia - Daewoo Nexia
  • Daewoo - Nexia - Daewoo Nexia

  • sparky_jones
    09-01 08:50 AM
    Arrived in the US in Sep 1999
    Started the GC process in late 2002.
    Labor filed in Aug 2003

    hair Daewoo Nexia 1.5: покупка и daewoo nexia. Daewoo Nexia Несмотря на явно
  • Daewoo Nexia Несмотря на явно

  • ItIsNotFunny
    03-12 10:50 AM
    Looks like it only tracks people who donated for FOIA

    Not true. Anybody donates will get Donor status. This is started for last few days, so people who donated in last few days get this. Pappu mentioned that he is planning to cross reference this with old donations but not sure whats happening there.


    daewoo nexia. Daewoo Nexia 1,5i.
  • Daewoo Nexia 1,5i.

  • texanguy
    09-10 05:25 PM
    i think they will have to wait till the end of the quarter to assign that quota, how would they know about the number of the prospective applicant ahead of time? They first have to make sure that "current" status people should get a visa number. Not a fact i like, but thats the way it is...
    But at the same time EB2 will get spillover from EB1 and EB2 ROW, so its expected that EB2 I will move forward. But how much that spillover is gonna be? Any data?

    hot hot Фонари задние Daewoo Nexia daewoo nexia. Rückruf Daewoo Nexia/Espero
  • Rückruf Daewoo Nexia/Espero

  • santb1975
    05-28 07:04 PM
    That is Awesome


    house daewoo nexia - Team-BHP daewoo nexia. Daewoo Nexia
  • Daewoo Nexia

  • learning01
    04-25 06:53 PM
    We stood in the backlog queue. 3 years. 4 years. Now, we are standing in the I-485 adjustment of status (to apply) queue.

    Neither the USCIS nor anyone else have real hard numbers of how many are in each in queue. So, what makes you think that you will NOT be stranded again, like us, in the latter queue. Let me tell you; things are not pretty. PERM has eased or will ease LCs and backlogs. The attempt at IV will help folks affected by retrogression take less years to apply for I-485.
    Easing retrogression helps some, but not may of us who are stuck at back log centeres

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  • Daewoo Nexia ,Cielo,Racer

  • arunmohan
    10-21 06:41 PM
    We are referring the Michael Yates's memo in the letter but why we not referring the Donald Neufeld's Memo?


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  • hair 1996 Daewoo Nexia SE

  • ashokmohan
    06-13 10:45 AM
    You just paid without exposing your financial information.
    $ 100
    Receipt ID: 5190-9283-7820-4961
    An email with your order summary has been sent to ashokmohanrajes

    dresses Rückruf Daewoo Nexia/Espero daewoo nexia. house Daewoo Nexia/Cielo
  • house Daewoo Nexia/Cielo

  • asanghi
    04-30 02:31 PM
    Is there audio?

    No audio. Just deafening silence (deafening because of high level of background noise). I thought they aren't saying anything.


    makeup Daewoo - Nexia - Daewoo Nexia daewoo nexia. daewoo nexia - Team-BHP
  • daewoo nexia - Team-BHP

  • needhelp!
    09-10 03:32 PM
    rajtester, immivjj, missourian, loudobbs, venkata555, iqube00, texcan, glen

    More thank yous coming

    girlfriend Daewoo Nexia ,Cielo,Racer daewoo nexia. daewoo nexia tuning.
  • daewoo nexia tuning.

  • funny
    09-15 04:27 PM
    People, most of us here are just afraid that they will get red dots, be ridiculed for their beliefs. But the things is; If we don't fight for our rights, who will. We have to defend our place in the queue, which at the moment is at substantial risk.

    I want everybody to get their GCs. but now interfiling/porting is hurting out position in the queue.

    If you are not aware, a good bunch of EB3s are now trying to interfile & port their PDs which are between 2001 - 2005 to EB2.

    This will potentially put tens of thousands of people in the EB2 queue before most people in EB2 who are waiting.

    These people were not eligible for EB2 when they filed their own labor.. so they should NOT BE ALLOWED TO PORT THEIR OLD PDs. Sure EB3 can Interfile .. but you will get a new PD ... the date you interfile.

    If we just keep looking... there will be a huge retrogression in EB2. And its not like these EB3 people will get through with the interfiling/porting. Most of them will be issued RFEs. Their labor apps will be audited and their primary EB3 apps will be cancelled. Infact, 85% of interfiling will never successfully make it through. And its not like it will help the EB3 brothers. That queue will still be long... because they are not going to withdraw their EB3 apps.
    Also, while they will not succeed in interfiling/porting, they still will have their apps with USCIS and USCIS will sit on them before eventually issuing NOID. Sad part is they will count these when giving numbers to DOS for setting visa bulletins.

    This PD porting is the last "not so ethical & legal" thing after labor substitution.. that we need to Put a cork on.

    If we don't act now... then we can all expect to stay in AOS for the next 5 years. This holds for both EB2 and EB3.

    I want everybody to get their GCs. I also am OK with the wait.
    But anything that threatens my position in the queue is not acceptable.

    My dear friend "GCtest"

    There are two really important threads going on on IV.
    1.IV call campaign HR 5882
    2. Give me a HIGH FIVE.

    Before using IV's resoruces and knowledge available from all the members available on IV, did it ever occur to you to contribute "+vly" on these 2 threads...I am asking +ve contribution here... because u are really good at contributing -vely on the forum.

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  • akred
    01-06 04:00 AM
    He is saying what is the truth. Do you believe that Indian universities are as good as American? If so, why do we come here?

    Simple answer is jobs in the US pay better than jobs in India, therefore people come here for the economic opportunity.

    As far as Wadhwa's statements disparaging the quality of Indian education go, he is looking after his interests. He runs an engineering program at Duke and needs to keep students interested in enrolling. How many students will keep enrolling once they find out they are being royally fleeced by American universities and that they could go to India and get a equivalent or better degree for a fraction of the price?

    07-06 12:19 PM
    Lets call it "Re Revised Visa Bulletin". Non-Existent sentence.

    What are they trying to do?

    07-14 03:10 PM
    Just Contributed $5 using BofA bill pay.


    Please stick to $5. The idea is to shake out members who till date have made no contributions into making contributions.

    If we start contributing different amounts on this thread then this may dilute the impact of the idea.

    Actually I need to ammend for_gc's statement there a little bit.

    Please feel VERY FREE to contribute more than $5.00. :)

    However please LOG your contribution here ONLY if you have actually made a contribution over and above what you contribute monthly or via paypal or google checkout.

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